Monday, April 15, 2013

Missing "Home"

Man, yesterday I was missing home, family, friends, and even just my town (things to do around town)...more than ever. For awhile when we first moved here, I was under the impression that Joe was more than likely going to want to move back home after the year. But talking with him yesterday he is positive now that he is going to want to stay after the year is up. This is really bad news for me because I am pretty positive that I am going to want to go back to FL when the year is up. I know a lot can happen between then and now, but I can't imagine a whole lot happening that would make me want to stay here away from everything I've known and loved for the last 30 years of my life. If it stays this way, this is going to be a huge problem at the end of the year for us because somebody is going to be extremely unhappy...and that somebody is usually me. I sacraficed so Joe could finally live his dream of moving to TN and seeing what it is all about, but I did that knowing that I would not want to stay here the rest of my life. I guess I should have just refused to come as everyone suggested I do. I guess all I can do now is wait until it gets closer towards the end of the year and see where it goes from there.

On a different note, is a cute picture of a turtle Joe found in the middle of the road. The girls wanted to keep it, but we had nowhere to keep a turtle of this size, and he wasn't exactly the friendliest turtle ever either.

Staying with the animal theme, our baby bunny Joey is finally starting to eat other things other than rabbit food. We couldn't get him to eat a carrot, or fresh flowers (which the bunnies love), or any other "snack" other than regular rabbit chow. Finally the other day Lacy was holding him and trying to feed him a flower, and he ate it!

So with the rain comes mud and with the mud comes messy kids. Actually, just one messy kid. Nicole and Ashley don't have much interrest in getting all muddy, but Emily loves it! She gets on her rain boots and jumps in the muddy puddles, and even sticks her hands in it. Here is a picture of my muddy girl...

Yesterday we went to a local state park, it was fairly nice, didn't get to check out the whole thing, but what we did see of it was decent. While there Ashley asked another girl around her age to play with her, and the girl said "no, I don't want to play with you". I couldn't believe it! Aren't we in TN where everyone waves at each other and seems genuinely friendly?  On the flip side Nicole found a girl around her age to play with. On the way home we stopped at another place which were ancient Indian grounds. A lot of walking, so we just went to one mound. Here are a few of pics. I got a picture taken with the girl's too, but it didn't come out too well.

And last, but not least, a while back ago I posted some pictures of the house. Well I now finally have my kitchen how I want it, so here are a couple of pictures of the kitchen.


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