Monday, March 18, 2013

Another Day, Another Post

I forgot to mention in my other posts, that within a week of moving here, Nicole finally learned how to ride her bike without the training wheels!  Now, on an occasional nice weather day, they go out and ride their bikes.

So on my last post, I wrote about Emily not having any other loose teeth, well that changed very quickly!  Emily was watching TV and somehow pushed one of her top teeth with her bottom teeth too hard, and it loosened it up. She said it hurt when she did it. So weird because I had been feeling those top teeth, and they weren't budging, and now it is pretty loose. I actually have the feeling Emily's top tooth will fall out before Nicole's, which have been loose forever now. Once Emily gets a loose tooth, she plays with it enough that it comes out fairly quickly.

The other day we went to my friend Rachel's, sister's house. She likes to make a lot of homemade products...laundry soap, regular soap, lotion, cleaning supplies, ect. Well when we went over there we made homemade chapstick! It came out wonderful and works great! I really appreciate her inviting us over to do this. Here are some pictures of my girl's making their very own chapstick!

Emily and Nicole's bunny's are getting so big! We sometimes bring them inside to let them run around and the girl's love playing with them. They each wanted their picture taken with a bunny, so here are some pictures of that. Soon, we might be getting Ashley a bunny, she has wanted one since Emily and Nicole first got theirs, and my friend's bunny just had babies not long ago.

These two bunnies are brother and sister, and love each other so much. We have them separated in different cages outside, but then put them together when we bring them inside. Lukily they have not reached sexual maturity yet, because right now when we put them together, they just like to snuggle and clean each other. It really is sweet. It'll be a sad day when they can no longer be put together to play.

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