Thursday, November 29, 2012

Counting Down The Days

What I really want to call this is "My TN Nightmare", but truth be told, I don't really know how it will be. I am really nervous (and sad) about moving away from everything I've known all my life...all on a chance that this may or may not work. I won't be posting much here now, but as it gets closer to the time we leave and especially once I get there I will be using this all the time as a means for those I know and love to be in touch with how we are doing out there. As it stands right now the plan is to leave around the first week of February, but that is subject to change. As of right now Joe, myself, my mom, and the kids are all taking a trip up to TN Dec. 12th to view the potential property we are looking to rent from and also to check out the area/neighbors. Please save the web address (or add it to your favorites) so you can check in from time to time.